Restumping Lara
Reblocking & Releveling Lara
It’s sunny, fresh, vibrant and welcoming. Lara is bursting at the seams with life; much like the people who live here. The town is also well known for being a major population and service centre for local and regional communities. It’s the small things that make the town great – the gardens, the civic spaces and cultural events that work with our community to celebrate its strengths. Lara has great facilities including a swimming pool, library, museum, gallery, cinema and art gallery.
As a foundation repair company, we’ve seen a lot of deterioration from different weather conditions that can affect your home. If you feel like you need restumping, releveling and reblocking, contact the Restumping Lara team to speak about the best timeframe for the project to be completed. We pride ourselves on being reliable, but we won’t sacrifice our customer service for cheap work.
At Restumping Lara, we always use high-quality building materials and ensure all our work complies with Australian laws.
What is Restumping?
Restumping is the process of removing the old stumps and replacing them with new ones. This can be done either by digging up the foundation, removing the old stumps, and then resetting new ones; or by using a jackhammer to cut through the concrete slab. Either way, the old stumps must be removed and replaced to restore stability to your property.

How long does Restumping a house take?
The length of time to restump a house depends on the type of foundation, size of the project and access. A standard house can take around a week to complete.
Why do you Restump a house?
Restumping your house is important because it protects your foundation. The term “restumping” is often associated with replacing deteriorated or damaged wooden or concrete stumps to support the building foundation.
What’s The Difference Between Restumping And Reblocking?
Restumping and reblocking are two phrases that refer to the same operation of rebuilding broken stumps in order to restore a building’s foundation integrity. Both terms apply to the procedure of removing and replacing a building’s stumps by installing jacks beneath the framework of the floors, elevating the structure enough to remove the problematic stumps, and replacing them with new ones. The new stumps are then concreted in place, and the jacks are removed once the concrete has set.
Another process for repairing structural damage to a house’s foundation is known as underpinning. It’s described in the same sentence as restumping and reblocking, but they’re not the same thing.

Get in touch with us for a free consultation.